The Tonies’ Code of Conduct

The Tonies’ Code of Conduct

Since day one, we’ve been on a mission. A mission to bring adventure and joy to our listeners from all around the world. To the young ones and the young-at-heart ones alike. But like every successful mission, our mission also requires us to stick to a master plan, not just for our business, but also for the way we do business. A plan for how we create new business partnerships and treat the ones we already have, and a plan for how we can conquer the world while caring for it at the same time.

Being on the same mission, building trust, credibility, and emotional connection is part of our DNA, or it is, as we like to call it, it is “toniehaft” or “tonie-wise.” This means being excited, friendly, diverse, open-minded, imaginative, playful, and active. But it also means acting with integrity and following the principles that we’ve put together in this, very un-toniehaft-named document – our Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

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