Let them dream... with tonies®

Hands up if you’re looking for stress-free snoozing and sleep-tight nights? Snuggle up with the magical Toniebox and turn those bedtime frowns upside down!

Get your Toniebox ready and level up your bedtime stories with Sleepy Friends.

Let them dream... with tonies®

5 Ways a Toniebox Makes Bedtime Easier - and More Fun


Starter Set - Purple - Tonieboxes

Starter Set - Purple



Starter Set - Red - Tonieboxes

Starter Set - Red



Starter Set - Light Blue - Tonieboxes

Starter Set - Light Blue



Starter Set - Grey - Tonieboxes

Starter Set - Grey



Starter Set - Green - Tonieboxes

Starter Set - Green



Starter Set - Pink - Tonieboxes

Starter Set - Pink



Sold out, but back soon

Sleep Friends Tonies

In three languages: English, German and French

Getting ready for bed with Sleepy Rabbit

Sleepy Rabbit’s classical music and beautiful lullabies are ideal for winding down as the day comes to a close. Pop it on as you and your little ones begin getting ready for bed.

Listen to a bedtime story with Sleepy Bear

It’s time for that last bedtime tale of the day. Snuggle up with your little sleepy head and enjoy a feel-good, soothing story, narrated by a tender warm voice.

Fall asleep peacefully with Sleepy Sheep

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep… snore! Pop Sleepy Sheep on the Toniebox at the very end of your beloved bedtime routine and ten relaxing and soothing tracks will lull your snoozers right into dreamland.

Classical Music with Sleepy Rabbit - Sleepy Friends

Classical Music with Sleepy Rabbit

Sleepy Friends


Lullaby Melodies with Sleepy Sheep - Sleepy Friends

Lullaby Melodies with Sleepy Sheep

Sleepy Friends


Bedtime Stories with Sleepy Bear - Sleepy Friends

Bedtime Stories with Sleepy Bear

Sleepy Friends


[FR] Doudou Lapinou - Sleepy Friends

[FR] Doudou Lapinou

Sleepy Friends


[FR] Doudou Mouton - Sleepy Friends

[FR] Doudou Mouton

Sleepy Friends


tonies® originals
[DE] Klassik zum Einschlafen - Träum schön, kleiner Schlummerhase - Sleepy Friends

[DE] Klassik zum Einschlafen - Träum schön, kleiner Schlummerhase

Sleepy Friends


tonies® originals
[DE] Einschlafmelodien - Schlummerschaf im Zauberwald - Sleepy Friends

[DE] Einschlafmelodien - Schlummerschaf im Zauberwald

Sleepy Friends


[FR] Doudou Nounours - Sleepy Friends

[FR] Doudou Nounours

Sleepy Friends


tonies® originals
[DE] Gutenachtgeschichten - Schlaf schön, kleiner Schlummerbär - Sleepy Friends

[DE] Gutenachtgeschichten - Schlaf schön, kleiner Schlummerbär

Sleepy Friends


Looking for an easy way to fill up your Creative-Tonie?

Easily create your own audiobook with the Readmio app! It has hundreds of stories that automatically add sounds and music while you read out loud.

When you are done it turns it into an audiobook so your little ones can listen to your voice anytime! Click here to read more about Readmio and how it works with Tonies. 

Create your own audiobook

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Create your own Toniebox bundle!

Simply select your preferred Bundle Type, select your preferred Toniebox Color and choose your favourite figurines.