![[FR] Doudou Mouton](https://res.cloudinary.com/tonies/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,c_fill,b_rgb:ffffff,w_166,h_125/https://278163f382d2bab4b036-4f5ec62496a160f3570d3b6e48fc4516.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/10001349-50004169-a-uwAp1KW7.png)
![[FR] Doudou Mouton](https://res.cloudinary.com/tonies/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,c_fill,b_rgb:ffffff,w_166,h_125/https://278163f382d2bab4b036-4f5ec62496a160f3570d3b6e48fc4516.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/10001349-50004169-b--ht0H8CMD.png)
![[FR] Doudou Mouton](https://res.cloudinary.com/tonies/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,c_fill,b_rgb:ffffff,w_166,h_125/https://278163f382d2bab4b036-4f5ec62496a160f3570d3b6e48fc4516.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/10001349-50004168-g-pCN4_5s8.png)
![[FR] Doudou Mouton](https://res.cloudinary.com/tonies/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,c_fill,b_rgb:ffffff,w_166,h_125/https://278163f382d2bab4b036-4f5ec62496a160f3570d3b6e48fc4516.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/10001349-50004169-j-1Nj-Qcik.png)
[FR] Doudou Mouton
Sleepy Friends
Audio Sample
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Warning. Not suitable for children under 36 months.
Doudou Mouton
Tonie Language: French/Français
Voici Doudou Mouton, ton nouveau copain du dodo ! Doudou Mouton vous emmène en balade à travers une forêt enchantée. Ce mélange de berceuse et de sons de la nature apaisants a été créé pour aider les enfants à trouver le sommeil en suivant doucement Doudou Mouton au pays des rêves !
English Description
Meet Doudou Mouton, your new bedtime buddy! Let Doudou Mouton take you on a ride through an enchanted forest. This mix of lullaby and soothing nature sounds was created to help children fall asleep by gently following Doudou Mouton to dreamland!
Age 3+
List of titles:
01 - Berceuses instrumentales
Running Time
approx. 140 minutes
Age Recommendation
Age 3+
Special features
Magnetic, hand-painted
Included in delivery
1x Tonie
WLAN with internet connection and Toniebox required.
Free shipping for orders from €50 on
Shipping to 16 EU countries
Secure payments with Adyen
60 days happiness guarantee