Meet the Lalalinos
Get ready to groove with Scout, Cosmo and Akio. With catchy tunes designed to ignite all areas of your little listener’s development through music, rhythm and dance, you and your little listeners are going to la-la-love it.
Move and Groove in Bumbaloo (Scout)
Get ready to boogie with Scout, Akio and Cosmo in this selection of tales and catchy songs from the Lalalinos and the world of Bumbaloo. Little listeners just pop this Scout Tonie on their Toniebox and they’re all set to join the Lalalinos as they trade in Scout’s harmonica, and then try to get it back again, invent a (troublesome) xylo-book and more.

The Best Band in Bumbaloo (Akio)
Buckle up music fans and get ready for some melodic hijinks and adventures around Bumbaloo with The Lalalinos, the best band in town. Featuring four stories, each with up to three songs woven through them, this Tonie is just the thing for little toe-tappers and hip-wigglers who la-la-love to boogie.

In Bumbaloo, music is everywhere!
The Lalalinos will introduce kids to music and instruments, inspiring little movers and groovers to sing, dance and pick up their own music-makers. They'll also learn about the power of friendship and teamwork in taking on everyday challenges.

Fun, catchy tunes everyone will love

Music and adventure

Valuable life lessons

Shows the power of teamwork
Explore Bumbaloo, home of the Lalalinos
If music had a home, it would be Bumbaloo! The whole city hums and dances, there’s a musical adventure on every corner. To join in, little movers and groovers just pop one of the Lalalino Tonies on their Toniebox and they’re all set to jump over the Xylophone Bridge, swing by Bonnie’s Music Workshop to check out her latest creation, or pedal from the harbour, past the school, and grab a seat for the Lalalinos’ big show at the Tree Stump Theatre!
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