Meet Sam & Tim, our Today with tonies Podcast Hosts
Published 20/11/23 by Amy Blanchard

So, let’s say hello to our brilliant hosts, Sam & Tim and learn some super cool facts about them! After all, your kiddos will soon start calling them their new best friends so let’s see what they’re all about…

If you had a time machine where would you go?
Sam: I’d like to go back and meet the ancient Greeks, maybe go to the first ever Olympics which was hundreds and hundreds of years ago in Athens, Greece. That would be cool!
Tim: To the age of the dinosaurs. To see those massive, huge animals walking the earth would be amazing.
What’s your favourite joke?
Sam: My favourite joke is: Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7,8,9!
Tim: What is a Pirates favourite letter? Rrrrrr…..RRRR you’d think so…but they also like the C!
Why do you love the Toniebox?
Sam: I love that I can listen and eat my breakfast at the same time. There’s so many stories, things to learn and worlds to explore before I’ve even left the house.
Tim: Because I can listen to so many of my favourite stories…and of course because of Today with tonies.
If you drew everything that came into your head, what would you be drawing right now?
Sam: I would draw a huge flower, maybe a sunflower that goes right to the top of the page and then turn all the leaves down the stem into little homes for ladybirds to live in.
Tim: ROLLER COASTERS - I always loved drawing roller coasters, but with jumps, and different ZONES, like snow, beach, and the jungle zone!
What flavour birthday cake would you choose?
Sam: I’ve never tried it in a cake but I love peanut butter and jam together on toast so I think I’d like to try that in cake form.
Tim: I love jam and cream birthday cake. And I also love carrot cake too.
If you could trade places with your pets, Willow and Ozzy, what is the first thing you would do?
Sam: If I could trade places with Willow, I would climb inside her very cosy looking bed and see what it feels like. She always looks so happy and I’m too big to fit inside.
Tim: Climb to the top of the really tall tree in my garden. When Ozzy was a kitten and first allowed outside, he climbed right to the very top of the tree and I had to go up and save him. But now he’s an expert climber.
Which of the Today with tonies challenges is your favourite?
Sam: That’s an easy question! I love Rhyme Time Tattle Battle, I nearly always win because I’m really good at rhyming. I even write all my friends little poems for their birthdays.
Tim: It’s not really a challenge, but I just love all the facts we have on the show. And I really love it when we get to learn new facts. I spend the next two days telling anyone that will listen to my facts!
What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Sam: I put on my gym clothes and go for a run! I’m training for a half marathon and my favourite time to run is in the morning before everyone wakes up.
Tim: Eat breakfast. I am always hungry when I wake up.
What is the best thing you’ve found in the Big Bubbling Bucket of Challenges?
Sam: I loved it when we found marshmallows! I love marshmallows, yummy to eat and soft to land on!
Tim: When it was full of green slime! Oh and the remote control cars! That was fun.
What’s your favourite day on the podcast and why?
Sam: It’s got to be Shoutout Sundays, I love hearing the messages from the listeners. They always tell us good jokes and have lovely compliments or good news to share.
Tim: I love Shoutouts Sundays of course. And Fridays, because it’s nearly the weekend.
What was your favourite subject at school?
Sam: My favourite subject at school was PE because I loved being able to play sports with my friends.
Tim: I loved science at school, and also drama.
What is the coolest thing you can do?
Sam: I can do a really good Australian accent, some people even believe I’m actually from Australia!
Tim: Snowboard. Fast! I have been doing it for a long time, so I have had lots of practice, and it comes quite easily to me now. I can also do the Rubik’s Cube. But not very fast…my fastest ever solve time is 1 min and 39 seconds!
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