5 reasons to introduce classical music to kids

Ever heard of the Mozart effect? It’s the idea that if children or even babies listen to classical music they will become more intelligent, from encouraging imagination, improving memory to building listening skills. And that’s because a whole lot of brain ticking happens as kids listen to classical music.

Published 02/09/24 by Amy Blanchard

5 reasons to introduce classical music to kids

The brain processes the sound, separates the melody from the rhythm and then puts it back together - what a powerful sensory experience! Let’s take a look at all the ways classical music keeps little ones entertained while nurturing their growing minds…

Builds super-power listening skills

Places, please! Take a musical tour through nature with great composers. All of the orchestral instruments create lots of different audio textures and sounds and as kids listen to the changing tempos, their listening skills become more and more tuned in. This can also help to increase their concentration skills too.

Improves their memory 

Listening to classical music has been proven to increase brain wave activity, and this is directly connected to their memory. When kids focus on the details, patterns and structure of the music, like in our Favourite Masterpieces Tonies, it excites different portions of their brain simultaneously. This can help to develop their speech, reading, writing and recall as they grow.

Encourages imagination 

//images.ctfassets.net/l6vo76cztcax/4RlBpYQhxeyhr3OMRdvkme/9e7ae80cf77f9082c29025398e7dacc4/Blog_entry_images.pngThe London Symphony Orchestra with conductor, Duncan Ward leads little listeners through the magical world of classical music with the Maestro Tonie. Immersing them in music without any words creates a different listening experience that can inspire new thoughts and creativity. With no words to direct a narrative, little dreamers have the space to create their own story.

It’s calming and helps them sleep better 

Classical Music with Sleepy Rabbit

Classical Music with Sleepy Rabbit

Sleepy Friends


The soothing symphonies of classical music can help calm and lull little ones into dreamland. So try a nightly serenade of piano, harp and violin with the Classical Music Sleepy Rabbit Tonie, and say hello to peaceful slumbers.

Lays the groundwork for music lessons or playing an instrument

//images.ctfassets.net/l6vo76cztcax/4ztXkXOBQktJTJV1wHAggl/55d75ef205fe0d1a65262983fed06726/Blog_entry_images__2_.pngOur range of classical music Tonies are perfect for any would-be composers and rhythm lovers. They can explore how orchestras work, get to grips with the classics and understand how musical masterpieces are made. Introducing your kiddos to classical music might help them pick up an instrument of their own and pave their way to musical mastery!

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About Amy Blanchard

Amy Blanchard
Amy’s favourite Tonie is Matilda. From a very young age, she was utterly obsessed with Matilda. She watched and read it so many times that she practically had the whole script memorised. As she grew older, she remained just like Matilda, a bookworm, a trickster, and a dreamer!