Expert Tips for Quality Family Time This Year
97% of parents would like to spend more quality family time with their children this year, and it’s time to make it happen!
Quality family time
Recent times have been tough, and if you’ve been longing for a bit of ‘normality’, we hear you. Our survey discovered 97% of parents would like to spend more quality family time with their children this year, and it’s time to make it happen.
Between deadlines, dishes and smelly socks, carving our quality family time can be tricky, so we've teamed up with parenting expert, Sue Atkins, to share simple tips on how to make room for the family this year. And the good news? It involves having a lot of fun!

Take the pressure off
You might feel you have to do something really special with the precious time you have together, but the reality is, your kids don’t mind. They’re looking for quality, one-to-one time with YOU, where you’re present, and not thinking about work or household chores. (Honestly, does laundry day ever end?!)
Sue suggests quality family time is about how you interact with your child. Let them lead the time you spend together, so they feel seen and heard. Play their favourite game or listen to their favourite Tonie. Whether that’s a classic like Little Red Riding Hood or Beauty and the Beast, or a modern-day favourite like Moana or the Gruffalo, listening to stories together is a really awesome way to spend time with your child.

Establish a regular family time
Family life in general is so fast-paced, and the weeks can fly by in a heartbeat. With 64% of parents wanting to spend at least four more hours a week with their family, it’s time to take action!
Sue recommends creating a regular slot for quality family time within your weekly routine. A super-easy way of doing this is to eat together. Sitting around the dinner table is a great way to spend time together, as well as indulging in your favourite family meal – you just need to agree on what that might be!

Removing the extra family member
Family time is going well; you’re all having fun… until someone brings out a device. Our survey discovered that 67% of parents think children’s screens ruin family time, but the solution is simple. Sue suggests modelling good behaviour and setting rules early on. Yep, it’s time to surrender the screens and let the fun begin – trust us!

Working together with your partner
Our survey also found that obstacles like work and household chores are getting in the way of family time. Sue suggests discussing delegating tasks to free up more time for the kids. Play to your strengths – one of you might like doing creative activities, while the other might like active time outside. Work together as a team and give your children the best of both worlds.

Destroying the gremlin of guilt
Heads up, parent guilt IS a thing, and it can come from a whole host of places – work-life balance, guilt about losing your temper, feeling guilty for having to leave work early for the school pick-up, – the list goes on. Sue advises that parents need to shake the burden of what they feel they ‘should’, ‘ought’ and ‘must’ do, and take control. It’s impossible to be the perfect parent all the time. Remember, any time you spend fully present with your little ones will be cherished.

5 Fun Family Games to Play with Your Toniebox
Create magical family moments with your Toniebox!
There's no such thing as too old when it comes to tonies®. All the family can sing, dance and laugh along to your favourite Tonies, or get creative and start your own audio adventure with your Creative-Tonies.