How do tonies® support kids’ sleep and their bedtime routine

Hands up if you’re looking for stress-free snoozing and sleep-tight nights, night after night? Well, we’ve got good news for you! 91% of our tonies® families use their Toniebox to help their kiddos wind down and get ready for bed.

Published 07/03/24 by Amy Blanchard

How do tonies® support kids’ sleep and their bedtime routine

From newborns to ‘never-want-to-sleepers’, here’s how tonies® can have children of all ages snoozing in no time…

Winding down

First things first, turn off any screens, if possible, at least an hour before bedtime. Blue light from screens can disrupt their sleep and no one wants that. Then run a warm and snuggly bath for them. Dim the lights and pop on a relaxing Tonie, so that when they return after their bath, it’s all calm and peaceful.

One last story

// Toniebox does a brilliant job of telling that ‘one last story’. Give them the biiiig job of choosing which Tonie they’ll listen to after storytime and they’ll be hopping right into bed. P.S. stories with repetitive themes like We’re Going on a Bear Hunt are particularly great for bedtime.

Mum, Carley says “After we’ve read a book together and had a cuddle, he chooses a Tonie and then puts himself to bed and listens until he falls asleep. Bedtimes have never been so easy!”

Off to the Land of Nod

Now it’s time to turn off the lights and turn on their Sleepy Sheep Night Light for a warm, comforting glow through the night. If they’re not listening to the Night Light lullabies then pop on their chosen Tonie, or some white noise, on the Toniebox. Say goodnight, give them a kiss and a cuddle and leave the room. Juuust you wait for those tired eyes to turn into sleepy snoozers. 

Dad, Daniel says “Our Toniebox has really helped us with bedtime. We can now leave the room with my toddler happily listening to stories and then settle himself to sleep.”

Time to wake up 

// they’re a slow riser or a bouncy bed jumper, their Tonies will help kiddos rise and shine all day. Getting ready with JJ from Cocomelon is perfect for little ones and the Today with tonies Podcast Tonie is a great morning kickstarter for older ones.

Our recommended Tonies for sleep:

Sleep aids, for free!

Head over to the mytonies app for free lullabies, songs and sleepy stories that you can assign to their Creative-Tonie. You’ll also find lots of bedtime content from Moshi - the award-winning kids’ mindfulness app. Did you know that Moshi are actually experts at creating soothing content to help sleepyheads fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer? They’ve even managed to reduce night wakes by up to 50%! Wooooow.

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About Amy Blanchard

Amy Blanchard
Amy’s favourite Tonie is Matilda. From a very young age, she was utterly obsessed with Matilda. She watched and read it so many times that she practically had the whole script memorised. As she grew older, she remained just like Matilda, a bookworm, a trickster, and a dreamer!