tonies® Advent Calendar filler ideas
Published 31/10/23 by Amy Blanchard

It’s the most magical time of the year but it can be a little manic too. Between all the impossible gifting, rushing, the wrapping and tidying, parents could do with a helping hand. We’re here to give you just that, we’ve thought outside the box to give you an idea for each and every day…

24 ideas for filling the tonies® Advent Calendar
Pop the Little Reindeer's Christmas Wish in for the first day's chapter
A Christmas decoration and a note to say ‘Let’s put up the Christmas tree!’
A festive Tonie to get in the spirit
Ticket to the local Christmas ice rink
A Creative-Tonie with a treasure hunt clue to find the hidden treat (ideas below!)
A yummy mini candy cane
Some crayons or play-doh for Christmas play
Some Christmas themed stickers with a scrapbook wrapped up
A delicious Christmas cookie treat
A Creative-Tonie with Christmas jokes recorded
A fun Toniebox topper to personalise their Toniebox
Ticket to hit the coffee shops for a festive hot chocolate
A mini Christmas craft kit
Ticket to go and visit Santa
A mini Christmas bath toy
A note to say “It’s Gingerbread House building day!”
Ticket to an-home Christmas movie night tucked up with microwave popcorn
A pair of novelty Christmas socks
Some traditional chocolate Christmas coins
A note to say a Christmas storybook is waiting under the tree
Some reindeer food
A Creative-Tonie with a festive message from Santa’s Elves
A nice list ticket from Santa
A new Tonie from the top of their wishlist!
Other ideas for the tonies® Advent Calendar
We know Christmas is a busy ol’ time and you might not be up for filling all the pockets with different bits and bobs, so we’ve got these two great Tonie options too!
The Little Reindeer’s Christmas Wish
This cute little Reindeer called Noel has a big tale to tell, so much so that he tells a brand new story every single day until Christmas Day! So, pop him in each day of the tonies® Advent Calendar and let them settle down with a new story in the countdown to Christmas.
A Creative-Tonie Christmas treasure hunt
Use the mytonies app to record some Christmas treasure hunt clues on their Creative-Tonie. Little elves pop their Tonie on the Toniebox, listen to the clue and then race off to find the hidden treats. Simply record a new clue each day and pop it in the day of their tonies® Advent Calendar. The treats can be anything from chocolatey goodness to mini toys, hidden all over the house! Need some inspo for clues? We’ve got you covered! Check them out here.
So, hang the calendar up on the wall and watch their excitement mount as the days to Christmas tick by. We’d loooooove to see what you fill their calendars with - share your creations with us on Instagram by tagging @tonies_uk.
When the big day comes to a close, you can roll it up and store it away - safe in the knowledge that it will be looked forward to, reused and loved just as much next year.
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